E-Z CLOR Products


Big Tabs


-99% Trichloro-s-triazinetrione

-Available Chlorine: 90%

-3-inch (8 oz.) slow dissolving chlorine tablets with 90% available chlorine which kills bacteria, destroys organic contaminates and controls algaes. For use in automatic chlorinators, floaters, and skimmers.

  • Kills bacteria, destroys organic contaminants and controls algae
  • Sun protected for extended chlorine life
  • Concentrated
  • Stabilized

-Available in 4lb, 8lb, 25lb & 35lb sizes


Small Tabs


-99% Trichloro-s-triazinetrione

-Available Chlorine: 90%

-Compressed 1-inch (.5 oz.) chlorine tablets with sanitizing power of 90% available chlorine and built-in chlorine stabilizer to maintain proper chlorine levels in sunlight. For use in automatic chlorinators or floaters.

  • Destroys organic contaminants and controls algae
  • Sun protected for extended chlorine life
  • Concentrated
  • Stabilized

-Available in 2lb, 5lb & 25lb sizes


Super Shock-It 73®

-73% Calcium Hypochlorite

-Available Chlorine: 70%

-Fast-acting, fast-dissolving 73% calcium hypochlorite granules. Shock treatment and super chlorinator for pools. This granular calcium hypochlorite kills bacteria, controls algae, and destroys organic contaminants. Great for all pool surfaces.

  • Kills bacteria, controls algae, and destroys organic contaminants
  • No need to predissolve
  • Restores sparkle and clarity to water

-Available in 1lb pouch


Algaecide Plus

-60% Poly [oxyethylene (dimethylimino) ethylene-(dimethylimino) ethylene dichloride]

-Kills and prevents swimming pool algae.

  • Concentrated algaecide for use in swimming pools
  • This product will prevent the growth of most algae during the off season winter months when pools are not in use

-Available in 1 quart & 1/2 gallon sizes


Alkalinity Up

-100% Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate

-Easy-to-use, this granular product raises total alkalinity in the pool and acts as a buffer to prevent pH bounce, staining, and corrosion.

  • Raises total alkalinity in water
  • Contributes to optimal sanitizer performance
  • Protects pool surfaces from staining and corrosion
  • Helps prevent pH fluctuation

-Available in 5lb, 10lb & 25 lb sizes

pH Up

-100% Sodium Carbonate

-This granular product increases the water's pH effectively and conveniently. Reach optimum pH ranges with minimal effect on the overall alkalinity.

  • Raises pH of water
  • Contributes to optimal sanitizer performance
  • Protects pool surfaces from staining and corrosion
  • Reduces eye and nose irritation

-Available in 2lb, 5lb, 10lb & 25lb sizes

pH Down

-93.2% Sodium Bisulfate

-This dry acid decreases the pH of pool water slowly and effectively. The granular product is more convenient than a liquid acid. Product of choice for lowering pH.

  • Lowers pH of water
  • Contributes to optimal sanitizer performance
  • Helps prevent scale build up

-Available in 2.5lb & 6lb sizes

Calcium Elevator

-100% Calcium Chloride

-A convenient granular product for raising calcium hardness. Addition of this product as required will help protect pool from corrosion & help prevent staining.

  • Raise calcium hardness in water to recommended level
  • Help protect pool surfaces, plumbing, and equipment from corrosive conditions

-Available in 4lb, 8lb & 25lb sizes

Clor Save

-100% Cyanuric Acid

-Raises stabilizer (CYA) in water to recommended level and reduces chlorine demand. It prolongs the effective life of chlorine by reducing loss caused by the sun.

  • Raises stabilizer in water
  • Reduces chlorine loss caused by the ultra violet rays of the sun
  • Dissolves completely when applied as directed

-Available in 1.75lb, 4lb, 7lb & 25lb sizes

Liquid Clor Save

-100% Cyanuric Acid

-Easy-to-use liquid pool stabilizer. Helps reduce chlorine loss caused by the sun and reduces chlorine demand.

  • Reduces chlorine loss caused by sunlight
  • Raises stabilizer (CYA) in water to recommended level
  • Rapidly disperses

-Available in 1 gallon size


Natural Water Clarifier

-This 4-in-1 product is a proven superior clarifier in swimming pools, hot tubs and fountains.

  • Clarifies cloudy water
  • Helps prevent stains
  • Eliminates oil & scum
  • Improves filter efficiency

-Available in 1 quart & 1 gallon sizes

Drop Out

-Restoration for water clarity and sparkle through floccing (dropping) suspended particles (debris) to the bottom of the pool to be vacuumed.

  • Clears dull or cloudy water by dropping particles to the pool floor for vacuum removal
  • Improves filter efficiency
  • Treats up to 40,000 gallons

-Available in 1 quart size

Chlorine / Bromine Neutralizer

-Swimming pool water should have a chlorine level between 2.0 - 4.0 ppm to be safe for swimming. This product will quickly lower excessive chlorine levels when used as directed.

  • Lowers chlorine & bromine levels
  • Increases effectiveness of removing metal stains

-Available in 1lb size